The 7 Principles of Landscape Design
Creating a beautiful landscape requires the following seven important principles: harmony, contrast, focalization, unity, transition, symmetry, and balance. These factors can help you create a unique design that is pleasing to the eye. Using a focal point in landscape design can add a lot to the overall effect. A focal point can be an inanimate object, such as a statue or an ornamental bed. It can also be a plant, such as a specimen plant. Depending on the style of the house, the front door is usually a focal point. Likewise, a large towering oak tree may be a great complement to an office building. Landscapes that attract people tend to have fewer curves and more colors and shapes. This can be achieved by combining the right amount of repetition. It can also be achieved by varying the textures and sizes of the elements in the design. Creating unity in landscape design requires an understanding of how to use aspects of design to create harmony. You can do this by repeating elements su...